The Center for Social Services (CSS) again hosted gay pride events in June of 1975, but that year, they sought permits with the help of volunteer attorneys. Not without struggle, permits were obtained, marking 1975 as the year of the first permitted march and rally. Although government officials were predominantly not yet vocal in their support of gay rights, Councilwoman Maureen O’Connor sent the organizers a message of support the morning of the march.

On June 28th, participants gathered at 11 a.m. at Hobo Park on India St. and G St., then marched from Horton Plaza to Balboa Park for the rally. Participation rose from an unknown but modest number the previous year to around four hundred. Lesbian activist Barbara Gittings was the Grand Marshal and other honorees included Morris Kight, lobbyist George Raya, and Minnesota State Senator Alan Spear. Along with these guests, Nicole Murray-Ramirez and Reverend David Farrell of Metropolitan Community Church spoke at the rally.